Regional RC&D Links
Information on the RC&D program can be found on numerous websites. Please visit the National Association of RC&D Councils website for the most reliable and up-to-date program information. Also try visiting the websites of the other RC&D Councils in Maryland and Delaware to see the great scope of project work the Councils in your community are involved in. For additional information about Southern Maryland RC&D or to find out how you can get more involved in your community, please contact us.
National Association of RC&D Councils, supporting RC&D Councils nationwide
Mid-Atlantic RC&D, supporting the states of Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island
Western Maryland RC&D, serving Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett and Washington Counties in Maryland
Delmarva RC&D, serving Maryland's Eastern Shore
First State RC&D, serving Kent, New Castle, and Sussex Counties in Delaware
MD Natural Resource Conservation Service, Helping People Help the Land

Southern Maryland RC&D receives annual support from the County Executive/County Commissioners from Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties. Through their continued and generous support of this program, Southern Maryland RC&D has been able to make considerable contributions to the preservation of agricultural land, protection of natural and historic resources, and promotion of environmental education. To learn more about our county partners, please visit their websites.
Organizations Represented on Our Board
The following partnering organizations are represented with positions on our Board of Directors. To find out what each of our partners is doing in your community, please check out their websites.
Maryland Soil Conservation Districts
Regional Development and Conservation Organizations

Interesting Websites
So. Maryland, So Good is a campaign designed to help consumers identify truly Southern Maryland products and buy accordingly. By building a direct link between buyers and growers of the five Southern Maryland counties, and promoting the advantages of buying local, So. Maryland, So Good hopes to keep farming vibrant and vital in Southern Maryland.
University of Maryland Extension is a statewide system offering educational programs and problem-solving assistance to citizens based on the research and experience of University of Maryland. From 4-H to home gardening, to agriculture and the environment, the Extension has a wealth of information and knowledge to share.
The Low Impact Development Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting development that maintains and enhances the pre-development hydrologic regime of urban and developing watersheds. Information on many interesting projects and technologies is available.
Future Harvest-CASA is a network of farmers, agricultural professionals, landowners, and consumers from the Chesapeake region. There are numerous resources available on this site including the Community Supported Agriculture directory for Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia.